Updated 8 May 2020
Maintenance Happenings Archives 2019

posted 20 November 2019
November 2019 Maintenance Happenings
Surprise Grunion Pool Repairs
What was suppose to be a simple repair of the Grunion Pool crumbling deck, became a more complicated problem when it was discovered that the pool itself was rising from the ground. The original pool repair was scheduled for four days from Novmber 4 through November 7th. But with this new issue, the pool remain closed much longer. Beside repair of the cracking deck which required excavation of the surface, part of the fensing enclosing the pool had to be removed to lay new covering. The pools was finallly re-opened in mid November.
posted 28 October 2019 Update 10/29/19)
Maintenance Happenings
Cabana Exit Sign Has a Secret
So you asked why does the newly painted Cabana roadway exit sign at the gate has a secret. It is because it serves a another purpose. This sign is placed is over the Cabana gate sensor. For years, person parking in the spaces around this new sign would back out to then leave though the Cabana Gate–only to fine it would not open. The dance would begin backup up their vehicle to move over the tripping mechanism embedded in the asphalt. But where is it embedded? The new "EXIT" sign now secretly identified its location
Cement Walkway Work
Some of you will notice that some to the walkways have cement working being performed. This is to improved safety and roots from tree had created a hazard with sidewalks. Please mind the dust.
New Barbecues for Cabana
Two new barbecues replaced the old ones at the Cabana Pools. These new barbecues will automatically turned off it left on inadvertently using a timer switch (circled in red) which need to be activated to use them. This switch will allow gas to each BBQ so they can be lit. Or it is suppose too. As of this writing, only the left BBQ is working which has been reported to the HOA. As part of this installation, new cage was placed around the master valve and locks were installed to the cabinets below the barbecues to prevent anyone from inadvertently tuning off the main gas lines.
posted 23 September 2019
Maintenance Happenings
Heated Pool
The Grunion Pool has received the installation of a new solar heating system. It has been installed on the top of the 16551 Grunion Building facing south. This was a surprise to residence living on the north side of the facing sound side 16581 Grunion Building. Their view from their upstairs windows is now different. But to those who use the pool, it is a welcome addition.

The Cabana Pools will not be left out. It is schedule for next mouth for its own solar heating system. Just in time for Winter.
Cage LED Spotlight Installed
For a very long time, the Halogen light illuminating the Basketball/Volleyball Court and grass area, has been broken. It was replaced this month with a new LED spotlight whihc has the addition to b surrounce by a protective cage. This new ligth will save energy, is safer and is brighter.
posted 25 October 2019
For some reason which as of this writing has not been made clear, the Gas Meter to the Boiler System that service the 16581 building and half of the 16551 building was removed. This occurred unannounced in late September disabling hot water and hydronic heating service to these buildings. Affected embers called Powerstone and Powerstone called the Boiler service company Benrich. Benrich blamed the Gas Company and the Gas Company blamed Benrich. Powerstone stated that all the HOA Gas Company accounts have always been order and said that service would be back on shortly. But that did not happen.
Not an Emergency?
For that whole week, hot water was reinstated. One of the property owners placed their tenants in a hotel. The rest of the residents took “cold showers” and heated water. By the weekend this became critical. Members called Powerstone emergency number and was informed “that as long as the resident had water, it s was not an emergency.”
Board Personal Took Action
With no action by the weekend, our HOA President Mary Williams obtains the personal cell phone of Powerstone General Manager (Debbie Evans) through a complicated process. Calling Debbie on Sunday, Mary informed Debbie that it was not appreciated that the emergency number person at Powerstone said that no hot water service was not an emergency. Debbie agreed and told her she would get that changed.
Took Off Work
Mary took off from work on Monday, but could not contact Debbie again. She worked for over four hours to finally get all the parties together and have this scheduled for early Tuesday October 2 early. By noon, the hot water was back on.
Questions Remain
  • Why was the meter remove?
  • Bendrick is suppose to know this stuff and why was this allowed? ■
posted 22 August 2019 (update 3 Sept 2019)
Maintenance Happenings
Fans for Clubhouase
At the last HOA Meeting on August 29th, the members were introduce to two new ceiling fans replacing the two chandeliers that had been in the clubhouse ever since it was built. These new ceiling fans will provide been tempiture control of the room and will reduce the need have open doors during meetings
New Gas Meters Fencing
Approved at the May 2019 HOA Meeting, new vinyl fencing has been installed around the gas meters this month. In many places the old wooden fencing has complete disappeared or showed major deterioration.
Replacement Old Type Mail Boxes with Same
New old type mailboxes have been installed to replace the broken Mailboxes for 4852 Cabana and 4861 Lago residents. Members or residence can obtain their keys by contacting the Board President Mary Williams. Thoughh there was a proposal to install more modern mailboxes, the Boad voted agsainst this for financial reasons a the April HOA Meeting.
Clubhouse Minor Repair
Some minor repair was accomplished to the outside of the Cabana Clubhouse replacing some of the facade and repairing the electrical outlet.
posted 14 June 2019
Maintenance Happenings
Blackbeard Plumbing Issues
The water and boiler system for the Blackbeard Buildings have been going though hard time. At the end of last year, an emergency leak required that the fire department be called to turn off the main water line. The turn off valve had deteriorated. This was not immediately repaired. Again another similar incident occurred with another emergency shutoff.
Rusted Out
On May 30th, the boiler reservoir tank rusted out and started leaking. This created another emergency shutoff. At the last Board meeting May 30th, the Board expressed that they are seriously concern about replacing this boiler system. The Blackbeard Boiler system is the oldest boiler system at Harbour Vista. It was installed 16 years ago.
This website and it's contents is NOT an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, Inc. The content has NOT been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to [email protected]