Updated 24 June 2019
News Archive 2018


posted 27 Ocotber 2019
October 2018 HOA Land Lease Meeting
Special Land Lease Meeting Summary
Fourty seven people plus the Board attended this Land Lease Meeting today at 10AM. Some interesting information was revealed by Helen Revalus who provide a presentation on the status of the Land Lease. Helen Revalus was the Board Preseident prior toher resigning in June. Board members present were President Terri Piper-Johnson, Vice President Mary Williams, Member-at-Large Brenda Richardson and Treasurer Pier Santillo.
Several Conversation with Dicky
When Helen Revalus while acting HOA President only Dicky the Land Lease owner had talked with her.There were several conversation. Dicky would not let any other Board member be involved in these conversation by Dicky's request. This has probably change with Terri Piper becoming President, but more on that to follow.
$10 Million Dollars
As was mention before, Dicky has place on the table a price of $10 million dollars for the HOA to buy out his Land Lease with the Duc Family that expires in 2056. The HOA will basically replace Dicky. This covers both the sublease and the additional 15 years.
$60/month Per Unit
Micheal Barto asked Helen Revalus what expenses are incurred with this lease payments to the Duc family and asked for a copy of Dicky' payment schedule to the land holder. Helen stated that right now Dicky pays the Duc family $60/month for each unit at Harbour Vista till 2020 when it goes up $10 more for the next five years and so forth every five years till 2041. At that point the new extension that was negotiate in 2013 takes over.
New Extension
This extension is to provide the Duc Family want 3.8 million dollars from 2041 to 2056. If this is paid off per month and using straight math means about $117 per month per unit. Helen did say if the HOA purchase the lease, our land sub lease payments will drop. But then we have to pay for the $10million loan for purchaswe of both the current lease and the land lease extension.
Harbour Vista Goes Away in 2041
Helen also states that Harbour Vista HOA Corporation goes away in 2041 and that the CC&R's, Bylaws and Charter need to be revised to reflect extension of our Corporation to 2056 instead of 2041. This will require a vote of 75% plus 1 (136 yes votes) of the member of the HOA. This vote number is also true for any negotiation for purchase of the Land Lease by the HOA. This would be a separate votes.
Land Lease Loan
There is concern that Harbour Vista may not get a loan to purchase the Land Lease because our reserves are low. ■
posted 20 October 2018
The Newslettter has posted a copy of letter sent to every property owner from the HOA Board providing a status of the current negotiation for a Land Lease Extension with Harbour Vista LLC. Please see Board Lettter October 12, 2018. ■
posted 10 November 2018 (corrected 11/18)
November HOA Meetings
(very busy schedule)

The HOA has a very busy schedule for open meetings for this month of November.
Cabana Clubhouse
All of these meetings will be held in the Cabana Clubhouse except for the Architectural Committee which will be held at President Terr Piper-Johnson's Condo #307 in the 16521 Grunion Building.
Special HOA Meetings
The Board wil hold a special open HOA Budget meeting on Thursday November 15th. The purpose of this meeting is to approve the 2019 Budget. This new budget will be mailed out to the members for comment prior to its final approval in December.
There are three open Committee meetings this month: Architectural and Safety. All committees except for the Architectural Committee are open to any HOA member and resident of Harbor including renters.
Meeting Date Time Location
Wed 11/14
6:00 pm
16521 Grunion #307
HOA Budget Meeting
Thr 11/15
6:30 pm
Cabana Clubhouse
Saftety Committee
Sat 11/17
10:00 am
Cabana Clubhouse
HOA Regular Meeting
Thr 11/29
6:30 pm
Cabana Clubhouse
Saftety Committee
Sat 12/15
10:00 am
Cabana Clubhouse
Committee membership improves participants knowledge of the community and most important provides a voice to influence how the HOA is managed.
Committees and Issues
  • Architectural/Parking Committee
    Membership of this committee is limit to member of the HOA. This committee reviews and approves architectural and remodeling requests, provide inspection and makes recommendation for update and additions to the Architectural Guidelines. It is also responsible for setting parking policies at Harbour Vista and enforcement.
  • HOA Budget Meeting (Open Meeting)
    This special open HOA meeting will approve the HOA Budget for 2019. This new budget will be mailed out to the members for comment prior to its final approval in December.
  • Public Safety
    This committee concentrates on safety issues, awareness and earthquake preparation.
  • HOA Regular General Open Meeting
    Moved to November 29th, this is the regularly scheduled meeting of the HOA for November. Finance report, new and old business and open forum.
posted 11 Ocotber 2018
Halloween Party
Harbour Vista Community

October 31st
West Pool Cabana Clubhouse
6pm to 10pm
JOIN THE LIVING AND THE ELSEWISE FOR A SCARY POT LUCK HALLOWEEN PARTY AT THE WEST POOL CLUBHOUSE (sign upfor your pot luck offereing at the bullentin Board) Contact Jill Perez (714) 292-8278‬
Wednesday October 31, 2018
6:00PM to 10:00PM
costumes optional
1st 2nd3rd place for both Adults and Kids (under 16). Prizes to be announced.
updated 3 October 2018
Starting at 7AM on September 26th, 2018, new paving of asphalt will begin at Harbour Vista. Access to these road, the parking spaces and garages will be closed during the repaving process. This will be performed in phases which will mitigate inconvience to the residents and all access to garages and parking spaces will be closed. Each Phase will take 3 days to complete starting the Wednesday's as noted and should be completed by the Firday's in the late afternnon. Fire gates will be open to allow access to roads, garages and parking spaces not affected by this work.
  • Mail server at the Cabana Mailboxes may be interupted during Phase 3 from October 10 to October 12th.
  • Mail server at the Grunion Mailboxes may be interupted for Phase 1 from September 26 to September 28th.
  • Access to Blackbeard Trash Bins will be interupted for Phase 1.
  • Access to Grunion Trash Bins will be interupted for Phase 2.
Warning: If an owner's vehicle still remains in its assigned parking spot when this work is schedules to start, it will be towed at the owner's expense.

Blackbeard, Cabana and Lago Parking and Garages
Grunion Parking and Garages
posted 4 July 2018
Community Garage Sale 2018
Garage Sale 2018
Harbour Vista held a Garage Sale on Saturday June 30th. Even though participation was small, buyers lined up at 7AM. An HD large flat screen TV was sold. Other items that went fast were tea pots, furniture, pillow and even a quilt. A resident sold unused designer handbags.
Why a Small Turn Out?
As compared to prevous Garage sales, the turn out was low for both seller and buyer. This Garage Sale was during the July Fourth weekend which probably created scheduling conflicts. Previous garage sales had been held later in the year (November 11, 2017, July 17, 2015 and October 10, 2014). There was confusion about who was the coordinator with no posted contact information. There was only a months notice whereas the previous Garage Sales had two months.
Our Gratitude
Many thanks to Jill Perez for distributing notices around the complex and Board member Mike Peduzzi who opened all the gates including the fire gates for the sale. ■

Editor Notes:

  1. Our next-door neighbor in the rentals near the Lago Gate decided to have their own garage sale and posted signs next to ours.
  2. One resident dogs decided to check out the sales.
  3. All resident participants (sellers and buyers) had a wonderful time and of course it was a great time to meet their neighbors.
posted 20 June 2018
Attention ALL Residents and Members!
WHEN: June 30th Saturday
TIME: Gates Open at 7AM
The gates will be opened during this time for easy access to the garage areas.
Everyone is welcome to participate.
We expect a good turnout.
      • Please join the community garage sale.
      • Please spread the word to the family and friends.
      • Simply opne your garage door and sell off your extra stuff.
      • The gates will be open and signs will be posted for the day.
      • Don't forget toi get small bills/coins for change and extra bags.
So come and join us!!!
posted 24 October 2018
Harbour Vista Homeowners Association Membership:
The Board of Directors for Harbour Vista Association will be holding a special Open Forum to address questions regarding the Land Lease. The meeting will be held as follows:
Saturday October 27, 2018
10:00 am
Community Pool Clubhouse
Your are invited and encouraged to attend.

We request questions be limited to one per homeowner so all in attendance have an opportunity to speak.

Thank you,
Harbour Vista Homeowner Association
Board of Directors■
posted 31 July 2018 (update 8/9/18)
HOA Organization Meeting
Electiom Results
On July 23rd, Annual Election Meeting Results were announced as followed:
2018 Election Results
Name Count
Helen Revalus
Candice Shultz
Terri Piper-Johnson
Mary Williams
Michael Barto (write-in)
Write-In Candidate Disallowed
The write-in candidate was formally ignored by the other elected becuase he was not formally nonimated prior to the close of the ballots, had not been mailed a request for candidacy and did not sleep at the property on a regular bases.
Organization Meeting
The new Board was immediately seated after the end of the Open Meeting. It then moved into an Organization meeting to form a new Board by the election of Officers.
At the closed of Organization Meeting, Terri Piper Johnson was elected as President, Candice Shultz continues as Secretary, Mary Williams continues as Board Treasurer. Because of the resignation of Helen Revalus and by default had withdrawn from the election, two positions on the Board are nowo open and will be filed by approintment.

Note: By Davis Stirling Act, wneh a new Board member is appointed, the Baord can request to be reorganized with new officiers assigned.■
posted 2 January 2018 (update 01/04/18)
The Harbour Vista HOA
Safety Committee
Will hold a Meeting on
Tueaday January 9th AT 6:30 PM

LOCATION: Cabana Clubhouse
Any HOA Member or Resident is Invited to Attend
posted 26 March 2018
At the March 26 HOA Meeting tonight, it was announced that the HOA had received 98 ballots since the Survey was mail out almost two months ago. Six votes were against the measure with the remainding votes yes to negotiate a 15 years extension to the Harbour Vista Sublease till 2056.
Results at 26 March 2017
For the Survey to pass, requires 80% of the membership or 144 yes votes as required by Harbour Vista LLC (the lease holder). As it stands now, passing of the survey is short 52 yes votes (56% more). There is no time limit for the closing the voting. The Board is intentending to be more proactive and contact the owners who have not cast votes to have them mail in their ballots.

posted 2 May 2018
Suspension of the Newsletter
This is to announce that I will suspend Harbour Vista News as of March 23rd. The site will be archived behind a firewall. Access will only be via register users (passwords and userid). The “hoa_discussion” mailing list will continue to function. I still like hearing from you guys.
Harassment Letter
Recently, the current Board decided to send me a “harassment letter from the HOA attorney. This appears to be motivated by a potential discussion of some recent events:
  • Approval “to negotiating a land lease extension" failed with only support by less than 60% of the membership (80% was required).
  • Action did not pay our liability insurance and a “trip and fall” lawsuit was filed against the HOA on February 9th . Because of this lawsuit, two sales at Harbour Vista were impacted. Fortunately Harbour Vista HOA will be represented by our liability insurance carrier.
  • A resident had his car towed from his assign parking spot without the owner receiving a non-compliance letter from Action Property Management prior to action.
  • The HOA President walk into a unit and told the owner’s construction workers to leave.
    A member was asked to file an “Architectural Request” to install carpeting.
This letter is the second “harassment” letter that I have received from the HOA attorney. I received a similar one in 2013. Attach is a copy of both these letters for your amusement. In 2013, I ignored that first letter. Later, I discovered that that Board had spend over $2000 in legal fees trying to stop my publication.
Not the Same Fate
Normally this last letter would have face the same fate as the first one. But this time, I have decided to make a different discussion.
Too Big a Voice?
The Newsletter has been a big voice at Harbour Vista since it was established in 2013. And because of this, it always becomes a thorn with a silly Boards since they do not control its content or could even make up their minds what its content should be. To their way of thinking, the Newsletter tries to overwriting their authority and may expose things they do not want shared with the membership.
Much Appreciation
I appreciate all the support that all of you have given me over the years and I regret stepping away from this at this time. But it is time to move on and I am really tired of the silliness. I will continue to provide real estate updates through this mailing list.

I thanks all of you for your support and encouragement.■
--Michael Barto
Editor Harbour Vista News
This website and it's contents is NOT an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, Inc. The content has NOT been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email to [email protected]